Synthetic Patients



Welcome to our repository. Here, we have a collection of files and links to share our work on generating a new type of virtual patient with artificial intelligence.




To experiment with the realtime video chat application, you will need to run it locally. We have provided a docker container with the requirements.
You will need API keys for both OpenAI and ElevenLabs to run this program. The program will prompt you to provide them at runtime. You will need an account to both of these services to get the keys, and you will be charged for usage. These keys will only be stored within your instance of docker and will not be shared. To begin, make sure that you have Docker installed. For MacOS and Windows computers, we suggest Docker Desktop. Then, from your command-line (terminal), run:

docker pull syntheticpatients/base

This will take a significant amount of time to download, as it currently is around 5GB. Once this has been completed, you can run the script by executing the following in your terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

This will launch the synthetic patient server using your OpenAI and ElevenLabs API. Once the server has completed launching, direct your browser to http://localhost:5000/client to begin interacting.


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